This is not the final scape. There is more to come (plants, stones, rocks and mangrove roots). I still have no idea what aqua-terrarium plant I can use that doesn't grow high. I tied some Java moss to stones and placed them on the land/terrace. I also planted a few Java fern baby shots. I will see can they thrive in this kind of set-up. I decided adding no aquatic soil this time, but try planting Anubias spp. maybe. Aquatic soil might be bad for the crabs also, not sure just brain storming here.
The spray bar is directed onto the back wall, creating a mini-waterfall ;-)
There is approx 25 liters of water. I rinsed the filter media from one of my established tanks into this one, to seed some nitrifying bacteria. I am gonna let it run for a week before adding a few Endlers Guppy, or some other small fish, still deciding. I have red that Sesarma bidens can't rally catch faster swimming fish.
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